Many people are unable to file claims due to misinformation and myths about personal injury lawsuits. Many of these myths are shared on social media and media. This can make those suffering from long-term injuries and effects feel like they don’t have the right to any compensation.
Myths About Personal Injuries
Let’s look at some common myths about personal injury lawsuits and lawyers to help you have a realistic view of the process.
Your Insurance Will Cover All Costs
Car accidents cause injuries that are common. However, insurance companies only cover half of the costs related to vehicle accidents. Victims in car accidents could have to pay 25% or more of their injuries or repair costs. This can quickly add up depending on the severity of an accident. Your insurance rates could rise depending on what coverage you have. This is a good reason to file a personal injuries claim. Insurance companies often refuse to pay the amount of the claim.
It’s Easy To File A Personal Injury Lawsuit
This is why many people don’t file personal injury claims. However, if someone has caused you harm or negligence, it is reasonable to request that medical expenses and damage to your property be paid. You can be overwhelmed by medical bills and property damage that can cause disruption in your daily life and impact your ability to work. It is important to file lawsuits against people who caused damage. Also, seeking justice for property damage and other injuries can help to mitigate future damages.
Long-Term Personal Injuries Lawsuits
Personal injury lawsuits can be different. It is difficult to predict how long it will take for a claim to be processed. Some cases are complex and can take many years to resolve. Others are simple and can be resolved in a much shorter time. The majority of injury lawsuit cases do not go to trial and the victims are compensated through negotiations between both sides.
After An Accident, You Can File A Personal Injury Claim
Sometimes, personal injury victims believe they should wait until their injuries heal before filing a claim. However, with the statute of limitations in effect, it is important to speak to a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident. California’s statute of limitations in personal injury cases runs for two years from the date of the accident. You have six months to file an accident claim if you feel a state, county, or city agency was at fault. Three years are required to file a claim for compensation for property damage like vehicle repair or replacement. You may be able to extend your time to file a lawsuit in certain circumstances, but these are usually complex and limited.
The Negligent Party Will Make A Payment Of Pocket
Many victims of an accident won’t file a claim against their at-fault party because they feel the other party will have the financial responsibility for their pain, suffering, medical bills, and property damage. Their insurance will pay the settlement and compensation, even if the other party was responsible for the accident. Your lawyer will negotiate a settlement with insurance companies. You pay out of pocket or through health insurance for your medical expenses until the negligent party is required to pay a specific amount.
You Are Guaranteed Compensation
Many personal injury cases can be settled without going to court. Although it is uncommon, a jury will be necessary to decide if you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. Every case is unique and your amount of compensation will depend on the circumstances. Even if the other side is proven guilty, it’s possible for the defense team to avoid liability. It is therefore important to gather as much evidence and allow your personal injury attorney to review your case. This will ensure that you receive the maximum compensation.
This article was written by Alla Tenina. Alla is one of the best tax attorneys in Los Angeles California, and the founder of Tenina law. She has experience in bankruptcies, real estate planning, and complex tax matters. Click Here for more information. The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This website contains links to other third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser; the ABA and its members do not recommend or endorse the contents of the third-party sites.